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UCL - The sponsor


Raymond MacAllister, Chief Investigator

Raymond MacAllister is Professor of Clinical Pharmacology at UCL. He was an undergraduate at Cambridge and a medical student at the then Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School, now part of Imperial College London. He was appointed to UCL as a Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in 1996. His research interests are mainly in cardiovascular disease, including ischaemic preconditioning, renal ischaemic injury during transplantation, and pulmonary hypertension.

Kristin Veighey

Kristin is a Nephrology Specialty Registrar and Research Fellow at the UCL Centre for Nephrology. She became involved in REPAIR first locally at the Royal Free Hospital, and then on a central basis through her research, for which Raymond MacAllister is her supervisor.

At the Royal Free she screens and identifies possible patients for REPAIR, helped by the fantastic live donor nurses. She then approaches the patients to explain more about the trial and see if they would like to take part.

She has also been involved in training staff in the intervention, trial centre initiation and helping centres with the primary endpoint iohexol testing.

Mike Okorie

Stavros P Loukogeorgakis

Sealed Envelope - Databases

Tony Brady

Tony is a statistician, programmer and founder of Sealed Envelope ( Sealed Envelope specialise in providing internet and telephone randomisation systems for clinical trials as well as online database applications for collecting patient data (electronic case record forms or eCRFs).

LSHTM - Trial Coordinating Centre

Rosemary Knight

Rosey has worked both as a nurse and in a research environment specialising in cardiothoracics. She has worked at the school since 1997 and co-ordinated the RITA trials (Randomised Intervention Treatment of Angina). These multi centre studies compared established treatments for patients with stable and unstable angina.

Other work has included STEPS (Strategies for Trial Enrolment and Participation) which reviewed recruitment to Randomised Controlled Trials,OPAL (Older People and long chain polyunsturated fatty acids) which looked at the role of fish oils in older people and txt2stop which involved using mobile phones as an aid to quitting smoking.

Recent involvement in pre conditioning trials include ERICCA (Effect of Remote Ischaemic preconditioning on clinical outcomes in patients undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft surgery), see: and REPAIR. Through the clinical trials unit here at the school we continue to be approached about future collaborations and we currently have 5 other large projects under review and awaiting funding decisions.

Steven Robertson

Steve's background is in Information Management and he has been working in randomised controlled trials since 1998 both at LSHTM and St George's, University of London. During this time he has worked on the following trials: CESAR (adult ECMO), TMC (liver transplantation), INNOVO (neonatal respiratory disease), ACST (stroke), txt2stop (smoking cessation) and ERICCA (Effect of Remote Ischaemic preconditioning on clinical outcomes in patients undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft surgery).

Tim Clayton

Tim has worked at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) since completing his MSc in Medical Statistics in 1994 and is currently a Senior Lecturer in the Medical Statistics Unit. His main area of research has been in the design, conduct and analysis of clinical trials with particular focus on cardiovascular disease and HIV. He has also been involved in a number of observational studies and most recently investigating the link between respiratory infection and (i) cardiovascular events (ii) venous thromboembolism.

Tim has been closely involved in teaching at LSHTM for a number of years and currently organises and teaches on courses in clinical trials and statistical methods used in epidemiological studies.

Jennifer Nicholas

Jenny joined London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in January 2012 as a research fellow in medical statistics, working on both randomised clinical trials and non randomised clinical studies. Before joining LSHTM Jenny worked at King’s College London, where she also completed her PhD at the end of 2010. Most recently her work at King’s College London involved providing support to the NIHR Research Design Service and research in the areas of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and epilepsy.


Josenir Astarci

Jo joined the School in October 2001 to work on RITA 2 and RITA 3 trials in unstable angina. Currently, I work as a Trial Administrator for the REPAIR and ERICCA (Effect of Remote Ischaemic preconditioning on clinical outcomes in patients undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft surgery) trials. I also provide administrative support to the Department of Medical Statistics and in particular Professor Stuart Pocock.

Last updated 29 May 2012